Year 7 Summer Term

Wealth and Morality

Weeks 1 and 2

Have a look at the work for the week and explore the learning characteristics for this week:
Being open-minded
Intellectual playfulness

1.definitions of 'fair and unfair might be'
Your teacher will read the story, it's in your folders but here's a link to it just in case.

What do you think about Albert's treatment of the pupils?

In groups think of three things that Albert could do to ensure that he was being fair. Play around with ideas, some may be whacky! Now tell the class what you came up with

2. What do you think fair means? 
Can you think of any situations where people are treated unfairly, what really bugs you about being treated unfairly, time to let off steam!

3. What do you think? Do people consider "fair" being getting what they want?

This was posted on a BBC website:

My kids' definition of fair is "what I want"'. Come to think about it, this is a pretty universal meaning.
Andrew, Malvern, UK

 4. How have you done?
Have you been open-minded, if so, how?
Have you shown intellectual playfulness?

Your homework gives you an opportunity to "play around with the ideas"
You must think for 10 minutes before writing anything down.

Week 3

Characteristics: Meta-thinking, metacognition
Values: Agile, enquiring

1. From prep: "what were your definitions of fair and unfair?"
Did you use ...... open-mindedness and intellectual playfulness when completing the task?

2. Now to write the introduction to our essay for the end of term
Why is the issue of charities important in our world?
WHY IS THIS QUESTION IMPORTANT IN TODAY'S WORLD? Think of the bigger picture, some classes find this tricky

Write the introductory opening paragraph in the grid, check it against the sample I have written

3. Read through the Christian values and summarise, single word bullet points to help with prep.

PREP:  summarise Christian views on wealth 

Week 4
Characteristics: Analysing, logical thinking
Values: Agile, enquiring

Now to see Christian views on wealth as portrayed in the Bible

1."The Rich Young Man"
Here is a story which tells us what God feels about how money should be distributed

The Clip
What does this picture remind you of?

2. Comment on this picture, what is the artist trying to portray?
3.Why is there a dilemma for Christians about money?
4.What do you think is the right thing to do with money?

Read the story of the Rich Young Man in your folders. Be prepared to answer factual questions about the story


So, how well did you know the story?

The Prodigal Son
The Promised Land, Canvey Island