Year 5

Year 5


Hang on a minute ........ what is TPR anyway?

Why do we study it?

How does HPL affect our study?

We study lots of religions and how to think about what how to live our lives. It takes some thinking. The Philosophy Bear knows about thinking .......

This is the Philosophy Bear who gives us an idea of how we should think in TPR lessons.

This term we are going to study a Christian life, try and understand how the Bible works, learn about the Old testament and Judaism. Then we will see how  the New Testament tells the story of Jesus. 
We will also have a look at some tricky questions moral questions like "Why do we have to be good?"

Unit 1 Holy Texts

There are lots of holy texts and places of worship for different religions

So what does it look like, what's in it and how can we find our way round it?

Here's a potted version of the Bible

CLIP: An overview of the whole Bible in 5 minutes

It's two books in one BOGOF - Buy one get one free! What are the two books called?

Finding your way around the Bible

Find out what Books, Chapters, Verses and Gospels are? 
You don't need page numbers!


Find the first sentence of each of these bible references:

In the Bible

On the Bible Gateway   On the Bible Gateway

1. Luke Chapter  7 v 36

2. Luke chapter 7 v 39

3. Luke Chapter 7 v 43

4. Luke Chapter 7 v 48

5. Luke Chapter 7 v 50

Can you make a treasure trail using Bible references to create a secret word?
Use Mark's Gospel

CLICK HERE to get to Mark's Gospel

Holy Texts 

What are the holy texts of other religions? 

Judaism, The Torah 
Islam, Koran, 
Buddhist Tipitaka

You can see how well you have been working by taking part in a quiz about the different Holy Texts

Okay. So now we can find our way around the Bible on paper, what if it were on a Kindle?


In groups try and work out whether you think a book or an e-reader is better. Present back to the class.

Here is a short clip to get you started

Here are some ideas from other classes


On the DOCUMENT: Kindles or Books? copy the statements into the correct column

Commandments and Rules

The Life of Moses

The Ten Commandments

The Ten Commandments full animated Movie

Which of the Ten Commandments are the most important to you?

Why do we have rules?
Who makes the rules?
Should we always follow them?

A philosophical question: "Why do we need to be good?"

What would you do if you had a ring of invisibility?

Basic Commandments in other Faiths (an extended piece of research)

UNIT 3. A Jewish Life

So far the Bible has told us all about the Creation and the twelve tribes, the Hebrews and God setting the standards for his followers. In the Old Testament the followers of God were called Israelites, Hebrews or Jews. Many of the stories and customs in the Jewish religion and tradition come from the Old Testament stories.

CLIP: "What is Judaism?"BBC Bitesize KS2


CLIP: "A JEWISH SHORT STORY with Global Meaning

DOC: Judaism research instructions

Now is the time to look at what life is like for a modern Jew and then we can see where a lot of the traditions come from on our exciting journey through the Old Testament.


Multi Faith Religious Festivals

9. Christian worship, churches and people

Weblink: Chichester Cathedral

CLIP: Church Tours
Some Church music!
PPT: The Role Of The Vicar
PPT: Religious Clothes

How to create a Job Advertisement

What qualities are needed to be vicar? Let's list some.

The Font, what happens there CLIP: Infant Baptism

  1. 1.How Many sheep are there outside David’s house?

  1. 2.What Food is David given to take to the Battle field? 

  1. 3.How many arrows are there in David’s helmet?

  1. 4.What is on Goliath’s belt?

  1. 5.The King has a crown, what is the colour of the jewel in it? 

  1. 6.What has God saved David from in the past?